RS-2200DHT catalyst and RN-410VGOHT catalyst developed by RIPP have been successfully applied and passed theperformancetests recently at IRPC, Thailand.
RIPP has been strengtheningits promotion of refining and petrochemical technologies and catalysts inoverseas markets. In September 2018, IRPC issued tender documents for its DHTand VGOHT units, attracting a few world-renowned catalyst vendors. In February2019, RIPP won the bidding and dispatched the first technical service team in Octoberto IRPC for catalyst loading and units start-up. The units successfully passedperformance tests in November.
RS-2200 DHTcatalyst, with low bulk density and high stability, could realize ultra-deepdesulfurization with relative low hydrogen consumption. RN-410 VGOHT catalyst isa new-generation catalyst for VGO hydro-desulfurization and hydro-denitrificationwith high stability.